You are the sunshine of my life, that’s why I’ll always be around.”

— Stevie Wonder



First of all, if the sun did not shine upon the earth, there could be no life. The sun provides at least three very important elements:

1. Light

2. Energy

3. Warmth

Life as we know it would not/could not exist without either of the sun’s components.

The sun is a remarkable heavenly body. Although it is about 93 million miles away from the earth’s surface, it still provides us with light, energy and warmth - every day without fail. Some locations on our planet are farther away than others. In some areas on the earth, the angle at which the sun hits the earth is different – that fact is important too. Thus, some areas will have more light or longer periods of darkness, some areas will allow more of certain types of radiation to get through the ionosphere and at stronger concentrations, some areas on the earth have more warmth than others and some areas will be colder for longer periods. But the sun is needed to sustain life, grow food, maintain a healthy metabolism, and so on.