How to Practice Good Breathing Techniques

1) Sit or stand straight.

2) Place your left hand over your navel and your right hand over your chest.

3) Inhale slowly - through your nose. Your nose has filters that help to clean the air you breathe in. When you inhale, your stomach should expand outward like a balloon. Your right hand on your chest should barely move.

4) Exhale through your mouth, emptying the lungs. When you exhale, your stomach should flatten.

Things You Can Do To Get Good Air

1. If you must drive a lot, take frequent breaks that are away from the road or in buildings that are well ventilated.

2. The most healthful air is found near trees and green plants, or by waves of the ocean, which is the best air.

3. Sleep with your window open –if possible, or open it for a while before you go to sleep. If you live in an area where you must keep your windows closed for safety reasons or you have been instructed to keep them closed because of allergies, invest in an air purifier.

4. Clean your home often. Vacuum rugs and carpet frequently. Don’t forget to keep the basement clean. Air circulates from the basement, throughout the rest of the house.

5. Don’t allow dark, damp areas of your home to grow mold and mildew. 6. Keep green plants around the house.

7. Practice good breathing techniques.